Gopinathan P

Pallavur Pisharath Gopinathan (90) residing at his daughter’s house at Bhama Mandiram, Mundur, Palakkad passed away today,  27-09-2024 at 12.20AM  due to old age ailments.

Wife (Late) Anupurath Pisharath Rugmini Devi Pisharasyar.

Children: Latha, Vijayan, Jayan.

Children’s Spouses:  Chandrasekharan, Usha, Rugmini

Samskaram : Today 3pm at Mundur Vathaka Smashanam.


6 thoughts on “Gopinathan P

  1. ആ പ്രസന്നവദനം മനസിൽ നിന്നും പോവില്ല. നേരിൽ കാണുമ്പോൾ ഹൃദയം
    കൊണ്ടാണ് സംവാദം. ആദരാഞ്ജലികൾ .

  2. Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family
    May the soul of the deceased attain salvation
    Jayakumar K
    Syamala Jayakumar


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