Bhavith Gopi Bhavith Gopi(33), S/o. Kavalloor Pisharath Gopi and Kizheettil Pisharath Sathyabhama expired on 19-04-2023. Wife: Ashwathi Children: Shivadh, Gouri Brother: Sajith Samskaram today, 20-04-2023 at 3 pm at Paramekkav Shantighat, Thrissur. 3+
Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families. So sad to hear the news about the departure at an early age. May his soul rest in eternal peace 0 Reply
Condolences to the bereaved family. Deeply saddened about the departure so early
Heartfelt condolences..
My heart felt condolences to bereaved family members, may his soul rest in peace.
ആദരാഞ്ജലികൾ 🙏
Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families. So sad to hear the news about the departure at an early age. May his soul rest in eternal peace
Heart felt condolences. Let the family have courage to face the departure and move forward.
Heartfelt condolences
Heartfelt condolences.May his soul rest in Eternal peace.OHM SHANTI!!
Very sorry to hear the sad news and Condolences to the bereaved family members.