Radhika Mohandasan, D/o. Mohandasan (Mahadevamangalam Pisharam) and Indira (Manakulangara Pisharam) has been awarded Ph. D Degree – Doctor of Philosophy in faculty of science & technology for Thesis on ” the neural mechanisms of food reward in Drosophila melanogaster”, by Pune University.
Pisharody Samajam, Website and Thulaseedalam Congratulate her on this achievement.
Congratulations Radhika
Congratulations Radhika
Congrats 👍
Hearty congratulations to Radhika. What is meant by “food reward” please?
Food with good taste/smell/texture/ high satiety is highly rewarding. This information is conveyed to the neurons in the brain which influence food preferences.
Thank you all😊