Vrinda Rajan

Thrissur Kizhakke Thonnangamathu Pisharath Vrinda Rajan(63) passed away today, 31-07-2024.

Husband :  Manjaloor Pisharath Rajan

Daughters: Uma Santhosh, Thara Arun

In laws: Arun K, Santhosh

Samskaram at Paramekkavu Santhighat at 3pm today.


11 thoughts on “Vrinda Rajan

  1. Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family
    May the soul of the deceased attain salvation
    May Lord Guruvayurappan give the family the strength and fortitude to bear the loss

    Jayakumar K
    Syamala Jayakumar

  2. Heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members. Pray the departed soul may reach heavenly abode.


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